Wuyi (Rock Tea) Oolong Tea

Wuyi Oolong Tea, also known as “Wuyi rock tea”, is a semi-fermented tea that originates from the Wuyi Mountains of northern Fujian, China. This tea is celebrated for its unique flavor profiles and is a category of black and oolong teas.

The tea trees usually grow on rock cracks on Mount Wuyi, hence the name "Wuyi rock tea". Being semi-fermented, it has both the fresh fragrance of unfermented green tea and the mellow taste of fermented black tea. The dry tea leaves are dark brown.

The Wuyi region produces a number of well-known teas, including Lapsang souchong and Da Hong Pao. It has historically been one of the major centers of tea production in Fujian province and globally. Both red tea and oolong tea were likely invented in the Wuyi region, which continues to produce both styles today.

Wuyi teas are prized because of the distinctive terroir of the mountainsides where they are grown. Because of the lower yield produced by tea bushes in such terrain, the resulting tea can be quite costly. Tea made from the leaves of older bushes is particularly expensive and limited in quantity. Da Hong Pao, collected from what are said to be the original bushes of its variety, is among the most expensive teas in the world, and more valuable by weight than gold.